Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Whale sightings for April 7th

Whale sightings for 4/7/2009

Kate Wynne and I flew an aerial survey yesterday afternoon. The survey covered the area between Long Island and Dangerous Cape, including offshore of Ugak Island. We saw a total of 23 gray whales, which was less than we expected but more than we had seen during the previous survey in March. As many of you might know, gray whales are often seen offshore of Narrow Cape year round so it's difficult to separate migrating whales from these year-round residents. However, I can tell you that we only saw mud plumes (which indicate feeding) associated with 3 of the sightings.
We will fly this survey again in early May.

No other sightings to report.


Cindy Trussell said...
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Cindy Trussell said...


These are great posts. I keep checking and learning more and more about the whales here. I like the additional biological information that is added in with the sightings.
