Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Orcas Visit Again

Five or six orcas were in the channel this evening for awhile before they headed out toward Spruce Cape. There was at least one youngster with the group, making quick shallow dives.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Orcas in the Channel Again

The orcas are in the harbor area again this morning! There have been multiple reports of the orcas moving in the channel and near the green buoy at the entrance to the harbor. Good viewing points in the past have been the harbor spit or from the boat trailer parking lot on Near Island. City Dock/Fisherman's Terminal (Pier 2) has also been a good view point as they move back out to sea.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Busy Morning in the Kodiak Harbor Area

Three of the "Kodiak Killers" were in the channel and harbor area for several hours Sunday morning apparently hunting and feeding. They put on a great show, spy-hopping and tail-slapping a few times.

In other news, several spouts were seen off of Narrow Cape from the cliffs above Fossil Beach on March 22nd. Happy whale-watching!

Orcas reported in the channel March 27th

Grab your cup of coffee and head downtown. Three to four orcas, including the big male with the bent dorsal fin have been sighted in the channel. More from the waterfront a little later.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Gray Whales off of Long Island

Saturday afternoon three gray whales were seen off the north end of Long Island. Migration season is upon us!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Paddy's Day Parade of Orcas

Three of the transient orcas known as the "Kodiak Killers" made a St. Paddy's day appearance along Kodiak's waterfront this evening. They spent some time traveling through the channel to Pier 2, then turned around and headed back to the front of cannery row. Among the three was the big male known locally as Bentley. His dorsal fin has toppled over and drags alongside him in the water.

Don't forget to call KMXT with your sightings at 486-3181. Ask for Pam.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Orcas Sighted in the Kodiak channel on Tuesday, March 8th

It's official - the 2011 whale sighting season has begun!  Several orcas spent time in the Kodiak channel and harbor area on Tuesday - entertaining residents and making sea lions nervous.  Keep your eyes open - these guys often hang around the area for a few days, periodically cruising the channel.

KMXT is the official whale alert number this year, so give us a call at 486-3181 and ask for Pam.  If I'm not around, leave a message.

Photo by Dake Schmidt