Saturday, April 27, 2013

Lots of Grays at Narrow Cape!

We've had reports of a couple of dozen gray whales seen from Surfer's Beach and the Narrow Cape area today. Tomorrow's whale watching walk should be a productive one! To join the hike tomorrow, meet at 9:30AM at the ferry terminal building so you can carpool from there. Bring a lunch, appropriate outdoor attire, water and your binocs! Happy whale watching!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Now We're Cookin'

The whale reports are rolling in!  There were about 15 gray whales spotted near Chiniak on Wednesday, April 24th and another 76 counted around Ugak Island in the Narrow Cape area on Wednesday night.  Thursday morning some grays were seen near the north end of Woody Island.  Thursday afternoon 3 grays were seen feeding on the North West end of Woody.  Keep those whale sightings rolling in to Pam at 486-3181 or on the Whale Fest Facebook page. 

Have fun whale watching!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Orcas in the Near Island Channel Again!

The orcas are back again this morning - we just a report that they are near the small boat harbor breakwater as of 8:48am.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Another Great Showing by the Orcas

Orcas in Near Island Channel
Photo courtesy of Pam Foreman

Wow! They were here again today...entertaining crowds of onlookers downtown as they traveled back and forth in the Near Island Channel.  I left at about 4:00 but they were still in sight near City Dock.  There were four orcas, including the tiny new member to the pod.  

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Orcas in Kodiak, March 19, 2013

Orcas in Near Island Channel  photo by Fred O'Hearn   
copyright Carpe Praedem Photography

The orcas made another visit today and entertained shoreside watchers from downtown Kodiak out to Spruce Cape and back.  Don't forget to call in your whale alerts to 486-3181.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Orcas in the Channel Again!

photo by James Brooks, courtesy of the Kodiak Daily Mirror

Orcas were spotted in the channel area earlier today (Monday, March 18, 2013).  As of 5pm, they were still moving back and forth between the north end of Near Island and Mission Beach in the Woody Island Channel.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Orcas in the Channel

The first 2013 sighting of orcas in the channel downtown was reported yesterday (February 23rd) at about noon. If we are lucky, they will stay in the area for a few days.