Monday, April 30, 2012

Grays Continue to Enchant Narrow Cape Explorers

Sunday's Whale Watching Walk turned out to be a good one.  There were gray whales "all over the place! - close to the cliffs and as far as the eye could see," according to group leader, Stacy Studebaker.  And although it was a gray day for much of the day in Kodiak, the weather at Narrow Cape turned out to be sunny. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Gray Whale Breaching

Whale watchers at Narrow Cape last weekend were treated to not only the sight of whales spouting in the distance, but also an occasional breaching gray whale. Pretty cool stuff.  Thanks to Sharon Schlup for the video.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Whales are Us!

There have been multiple sightings of gray whales in the Narrow Cape area over the last several days.  Today (Sunday, April 22nd) there were reports of gray whales from Pasagshak Point to Surfer Beach (Bear Paw Beach) and Fossil Beach (Narrow Cape). While many of the whales were off shore quite a bit, several were seen in the surf zone closer to shore. 

Here's some footage shot on Saturday afternoon.

Thanks for sharing that footage with everyone, Sharon!

More Grays at Narrow Cape!

Narrow Cape and Surfer Beach have been the hot spots for gray whale activity of late.  On Friday gray whales were spotted in the surf and further off shore.  Later in the day more grays were seen from Narrow Cape and yesterday 20 grays were seen off Narrow Cape. One lucky whale watcher saw a gray whale cool is that? 

Chances are very good that folks on today's Whale Walk at Narrow Cape will see more gray whales.  Let us know what you see by commenting here or posting on the Kodiak Whalefest

Monday, April 9, 2012

Narrow Cape, Surfer Beach and Downtown Whales

Early Sunday morning there were 10+ gray whales cruising through the Ugak Strait off Narrow Cape.  Another 15 were spotted from Surfer Beach a little later in the morning. It was during an extremely low tide and the whales were quite a distance from the shore, but viewing was great! We spotted a few backs and even a flipper or two. 

Later in the afternoon, there were reports of three orcas in the harbor area...doing what they normally do this time of year - pursuing sea lions.  Keep your eyes open over the next few days because they often return from another visit.  Happy whale watching!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

More Grays!

We have report of gray whales playing in the surf at Surfer Beach and many more further off shore. The observers said there were also grays moving through Ugak Strait again, but not as many there were on Monday.
Call with or email your whale sightings to 486-3181 or You can also post them on the Whalefest Facebook page.

Gray Whales Off Narrow Cape on Monday

Wow! We're off to a great start....15 to 20 gray whales were seen off Narrow Cape yesterday, cruising through Ugak Strait. The spotters commented, "One group of 8 grays were circled up with lots of splashing, heads up, flippers and flukes....reminded me of humpback bubble net feeding in SE. Maybe they ran into a school of herring?"

Monday, April 2, 2012

First Official Whale Alert of 2012!

Whales were sighted off of Bear Paw Beach, also known as Surfer Beach, Sunday. The whales were near shore in the surf zone and according to Kate Wynne were likely part of the group that hangs around Kodiak and Ugak Bay on nearly a year-round basis.

Email your whale alerts to or call 486-3181.